Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Three Times a Charm!

 I have been on the search for the perfect area rug for our new home for MONTHS now. I have slowly but surely come to the conclusion that it just doesn't exist. But, my third rug purchase is as close as I will get to finding the "rug I see in my mind" so I think I'm going to call it good! I LOVE the pattern on this rug but just wish it wasn't made of wool and so scratchy. And since we're a "no wearing shoes in the house type of family", it's just going to have to scratch a few feet along the way:) 

I spent the better part of three days over at the house
cleaning the first layer of sawdust off of the entire house.
When I finally felt like it was safe enough to lay this 
rug on the floor, Sophie helped me carry this large 
9 x 13 down the stairs to see what it would look 
like in our living room.

A close-up of the pattern.

Thank you Sophie and Sydney for keeping
me company for three days! A special shout 
out to Leah and Ingrid too for their help
with washing the walls!

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