Friday, June 1, 2012

It's All Greek To Me!

I've been waiting for this moment for months now, anxiously hoping and wondering how these beautiful and vintage-looking lights would look in my dining area and living room. (Thanks to a special friend for hooking me up with them:) The electricians installed our lights on Wednesday and last night I went over to put up the crystals with my mom and Sydney and Sophie. I don't know what I would have done without their took us 2.5 hours of non-stop hanging and decoding the instructions. My mom and I each attacked a light and Sophie and Sydney unwrapped each crystal and handed them to us. 

Totally worth all the work.

The instructions were very intimidating at first!

The living room chandelier without crystals.

My little helper.

The large dining room light (at least this one
is closer to the ground)!

Little helper #2 (they didn't
get to bed til 10:00)!

Half-way done! Great work, mom!

It's finished!

My master light...not my favorite
but it will do!

Kitchen pendants.

One of my favorite rooms in the entire house.
The 1/2 bath.

Sconces going upstairs. White shades
that turn yellow when turned on?
Wish I would have known that sooner!

Outside light.

Kids' bath...hopefully the mirrors
are going up today!

Master bath.

Sophie and Sydney's room.
I need to purchase MANY light bulbs today!

Cate's room!

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